He is The Doctor? Who? The Doctor!

4 May

Many TV shows come and go, some lasting a month or spanning several decades and most of these TV shows loose a lot of their magic over time. However one TV show has consistently excited me since its inception, and I’m not the only on it has been going on for well over three-quarters of a century and about 700 episodes and in the process becoming a cultural icon, an identity for a nation. It brings the childish excitement of exploration with magic and mystery of the unknown, includes such familiar and odd items through out that it resonates a sense of amazement and wonder through us all. I am of course talking about Doctor Who, a fixture on British and international TV.

David Tennant holding the 'Blue' Sonic Screwdriver

Last year David Tennant, who played the roll of the Doctor enchanted and enthralled audiences as he traveled the breath of time and depth of space, fighting the Daleks and the Cybermen, preventing the rise of Gallifrey and even allowing himself to feel the tender emotion of love. He was a fine doctor, a great doctor, bringing 903 years of wisdom, eccentricity and peculiarity to life, holding his own and even becoming the most popular Doctor ever, and at the end of his tenant as the Doctor he was given a memorable send off, as perfect as one could hope.

Mat Smith - Eleventh Doctor

This led to the birth of the eleventh doctor, played by Matt Smith. I was apprehensive about this as David Tennant played the role to perfection and for all purposes became “my Doctor”. However it can be said that the casting of Matt Smith as the Doctor couldn’t have been more perfect. His doctor brings a whole new world of crazies, a bow tie, a tweed jacket and god forbid a green sonic screwdriver. To complement his Doctor, we get Amy (Amelia) Pond, the brash Scots woman whose the center of a mystery surrounding a crack in time.

New Tardis

The new Doctor doesn’t just bring out a new personality, he brings with him a new Tardis and an energetic musical score and a more action oriented persona. All in all, its safe to say the the guiding hand of the Tardis and the Doctor Russel P. Davis has done another outstanding job, so in the famous words of the tenth doctor “Allons-y, Alonso” and enjoy the “wibble wobbley timey whimy thing”

Ps. Yea I updated the quote to add “the thing! respect the “thing.”

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